Rainbows For Cloudy Minds Christian Counseling

About Rainbows For Cloudy Minds

Sixty five plus years of healthcare service by our chairman directs our conviction that the ageing process is greatly influenced by the individual’s attitude toward being old. Eyewitness accounts of individual patients experiencing dramatic improvements both cognitive and physical as a result of training and personal motivation are included in this summary to validate our approach that “you are as old as you think you are attitude”. We have included references to past classic research programs as additional indicators of this approach.

These counseling and training programs will require outreach to local communities with group “grass roots” training. That will come as we develop initial response for volunteers on our website. 

Let us begin and others will follow.

Duane Starkey - President
Rainbows For Cloudy Minds, Inc.

The Problem: New Era Communications Gap

Message from the President:

Our Mission is Simple

My 65+ years in healthcare experience owning and managing hospitals, nursing homes, home health agencies and 6 years adult day care medical centers qualifies me for this role today. During this time 45 years were devoted to Christian ministry and counseling. I have devoted the last 15 years to researching and studying Alzheimer’s disease worldwide utilizing all the major internet search engines. Over these years, I authored and developed simple stories, incidents, training methods, white papers and books that will launch a beginning on our website. The great majority of these elders that need these services do not access the internet due to lack of knowledge or funds.


Community Support:

About Us: New Ageing Attitude

We want to make a difference in the lives of Seniors and Caregivers.

Solution Highlights:

Our Goal is to Renew Minds by Strengthening FAITH, Restoring HOPE and Sharing LOVE.

To provide special training and care for the elderly that stimulates hope and comfort to the soul and peace of mind for those seniors suffering with worry, stress, depression, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

The massive surge of new devices and methods of communication in recent years has created a generation and education gap for the elderly who lack knowledge and training of new IT services and devices. In addition the great majority cannot afford the purchase and service costs of them. This is a very significant factor because the vast arena of research and information provided over the internet is not available to them. This gap tends to motivate withdrawal and isolation in the elderly non-users and gradually creates an attitude of resentment and shame for their lack of knowledge. It creates a significant break in traditional relationships between grandparents and their grandchildren.

If you cannot text or email the younger generation or participate in their avid video games, then facebook, twitter and link is not an option and communications are severed. Then valued relationships diminish and family ties are severed. The elderly segment of our population becomes isolated and generates the withdrawal of social functions. This opens the door to depression, anger, resentment and development of body ailments to solicit attention and sympathy. This often occurs without the patient being consciously aware of the base cause of the problem. It is absolutely amazing to see the favorable reaction of the elderly when they receive attention and establish communication with children and the younger generation. One of our basic approaches is to provide simple IT devices and basic training in their uses to the elderly. We will formulate and encourage social IT senior relationships and utilize this new avenue to provide healthcare and lifestyle training programs that formulates a New Senior Era Independent Lifestyle.

  1. Instruct seniors and caregivers with knowledge and training of mental health problems and self-help to delay the onset and sometimes reverse the severity of these diseases.

  2. Scope is worldwide in a mushrooming senior population market,

  3. The goal is to remedy the severe lack of knowledge and training concerning depression, dementia and Alzheimer’s diseases. Seniors and their caregivers are suffering and dying with little help and support. Training them in self-help lifestyles will provide improved and extended quality independent living.

  4. The audience is worldwide with emphasis on the elderly and caregivers. Healthcare providers and traditional funding for care do not utilize basic training and preventive medicine concepts because reimbursement has always been structured on the severity of diagnosis and treatment. These illnesses have severe lack of accurate diagnosis and no standardized care.

  5. The needed time frame for these programs passed 15 years ago. The huge influx of “baby boomers” presents financial healthcare economic disaster. We must do something now.

  6. The basic requirement for success in this endeavor is KISS (keep it simple stupid). The vast majority of the market is low income with limited education. We must fill the great void in geriatric healthcare by preventive medicine training. Help them learn the difference between natural ageing process and symptoms of these diseases. There should be Christian Life Counseling options incorporated in these programs for total effective results. God’s supernatural love of one for another is a vital ingredient.

  7. Site appeal will utilize certain “hit words” like seniors, elders, mental health, depression, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease with ageing training. Solutions for self-help at little or no costs will contain basic information for signs, symptoms and the ageing process. Age is basically a state of mind in many cases.